
Management of Eczema with Active Specific Immunotherapy and Super Transfer Factor: A Case Report

Nummular eczema is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by coin-shaped, well-delineated, erythematous plaques with lesions which may manifest as papules or vesicles. This case report presents a case of nummular eczema on a male patient treated with corticosteroids without any signs of improvement. Thus, alternative and complementary treatments of FCTI Active Specific Immunotherapy (ASI®) therapy and MF+“Mito Organelles” Super Transfer Factor (MO STF) were prescribed for the treatment of nummular eczema. By the combination of both therapies, both ASI and STF could successfully modulate the immune system and healed the skin lesions, hyperpigmentation and erythematous plaques. This effective method could serve as a promising alternative in the management of nummular eczema.


Dmitry Klokol, Shing Yi Pan, Mike KS Chan, Michelle BF Wong, Vladymyr Chernykh and Simon Asche Yefimov

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